NATATION20. ROLKO Ricky (100m brasse, 36 participants) 1.07,1027. ROLKO Ricky (200m brasse, 33 participants) 2.29,0128. ROLKO Ricky (400m 4 nages, 28 participants) 5.00,3548. PEREZ Maria (100m nage libre, 56 participants) 1.02,4650. PEREZ Maria (50m nage libre, 51 participants) 29,05 ATHLETISME21. TOURÉ Kany (100m haies, 23 participants) 14,7321. DE SOUSA MOREIRA Soraya (200m, 23 participants) 26,7630. DE SOUSA MOREIRA Soraya (100m, 36 participants) 12,82 […]

On November 26-27, in Belgrade, the 39th General Assembly of European Olympic Committees convened. Georgian NOC participated in the Assembly along with 49 European National Olympic Committees. ‘Tbilisi or Brno?’ The Assembly of Olympic family in Belgrade had to decide which of these two candidate cities would host the 13th European Youth Olympic Festival in […]