Rio 2016


Results Overview

12 août 2016  You can find the latest results of TEAM LËTZEBUERG in the table below. Results will be updated after the official ranking has

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Cycling News

9 août 2016 During the Olympic Games in Rio 2016, two Luxembourgish women have participated in cycling. Christine Majerus and Chantal Hoffman were on the

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Rio 2016 Venues: Maracana Stadium

5 août 2016 Event: Opening and closing ceremony Capacity:  78.838 General Information: The Maracanã Stadium (Portuguese: Estádio do Maracanã), also known as Maracanã, officially Estádio

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Horaires et résultats

wdt_ID Heure Sport Athlète Discipline Résultats
2 06/08/2016 00:00 Cyclisme SCHLECK Frank Course sur Roue 20
3 06/08/2016 00:00 Natation STACCHIOTTI Raphaël 400m Medley individuel 23
4 06/08/2016 00:00 Natation CARNOL Laurent 100m Br 27
5 06/08/2016 00:00 Tennis de Table NI XIA Lian Simple 4-3
6 07/08/2016 00:00 Tennis de Table NI XIA Lian Simple 4-3
7 08/08/2016 00:00 Tennis de Table NI XIA Lian Simple
8 07/08/2016 00:00 Cyclisme MAJERUS Christine Course sur route 18
9 07/08/2016 00:00 Cyclisme HOFFMANN Chantal Course sur route
10 07/08/2016 00:00 Tennis MULLER Gilles Simple 5-7, 6-1, 7-6
11 08/08/2016 00:00 Tennis MULLER Gilles Simple
Heure Sport Athlète Discipline Résultats
